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Northern creates memorable experiences for tenants and peace of mind for landlords. That’s the key to long-term leases and profitable real estate investing. Are you skeptical? Try it for free!



Our company is dedicated to maximizing profits for investors and owners of rental properties while maintaining safe and attractive units for our tenants.


Tenant Selection

Get the A+ tenant your valuable investment deserves and let us welcome them home. We’ll find you reliable and trustworthy renters who will love your rental property like it’s their own.


24h Service

We work evenings, weekends or holidays, that’s not a problem for us. Our goal is your peace of mind and prompt support to your tenants. We are available 24/7 that’s for sure.


Property Repairs

Our team of contractors is always ready to complete any repairs or maintenance requests from landlords and tenants. Our online system informs the stakeholders of the progress of each repair. 



We help landlords to keep a clean record of all the expenses and income receipts of the property as well as a real-time ledger track to comply with fiscal authorities’ requirements.



With our self-serving reporting system, you will be able to access anytime your property cash flow, income statement and other financial or tax reports that you need from us.



Find your new tenants quicker with us! We have wide expertise in the marketing channels that you need to reach the widest possible audience and you will be surprised with our great advertising ideas.



Our landlords rest well because they know we manage their tenants with integrity and respect, but also with a firm and quick response when what was agreed with the tenant in the lease is not fulfilled. 


Rent Collection

Our tenants have multiple channels to pay their rent. From an online payment system to in-person collection at their premises. We will manage to have the rent on time to our landlords.

Your Growth,

Our Growth!

We are your #1 ally. We understand that the success of our company depends on your own success, which is why we work tirelessly so that your property generates long-term profitability.

We are preceded by our extensive experience in different areas of real estate, that is what sets us apart. We are more than a property management company, we are a group of real estate investors like you who saw a huge gap between the quality of service an investor expects and what was offered in the market.

Here you will not have hidden fees, lack of communication, or costly unexpected repairs. We know how you feel about property managers because we have experienced these problems ourselves with our own investment properties.

If you need help managing a multi-family residence, house, townhome, condo or apartment, we’re the partner you’re looking for.


Ready to Rent?

Send us your lease application and we’ll process it within 24 Hours.

1411 Bruce Av

  • Property ID: 5219
    Price: $1200 / Month
    Property Type: Apartment
    Property status: For Rent
    Bedrooms: 1
    Bathrooms: 1